Documentation Requirements for Accommodations
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, students with documented disabilities will be provided with reasonable accommodations to provide equal access to Franklin Pierce’s housing, meals, activities and academic programs.
For accommodations, the student must supply the following documentation from an appropriate, licensed professional submitted on letterhead, dated and signed to the Office of Student Accessibility Services,
- Documentation should be no more than 3 years old for educational or psychological testing and less than a year for medical conditions.
- Documentation contains the name and birth date of the student.
- Specify whether the student is classified as having a disability or a temporary impairment
- If it is disability, please cite the diagnosis and include what major life activities are substantially limited by the disability. Where appropriate, include the DSM V classification. Be sure to include how the diagnosis was determined, including specific results of diagnostic procedures and dates diagnostic evaluations were administered, triennial evaluations (where applicable), and complete copies of evaluations pertaining to the student’s requested accommodations. If the documentation pertains to a medical condition, please write what treatments have been/are being employed and recent information regarding the efficacy of the treatments.
- Specify what accommodation(s) are recommended for the student. For housing and meal plan accommodations, documentation should address why standard housing and meals plans are insufficient to address the student’s needs.
- If there are co-occurring conditions that require additional consideration, appropriate documentation from qualified practitioners must be submitted for each area of disability under consideration.
- Finally include any additional information you think might help us work with this student.
All information received regarding a disability is kept confidential and is only used to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive list or to restrict assessment in other pertinent areas. Acceptable alternative evaluations may be determined by the Office of Student Accessibility Services.
Student Accessibility Services
The Office of Student Accessibility Services
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.